This article is the second part of the lyrical analysis heavy metal lyrics. Below is the same dashboard presented in Part 1 (click here for full-size version). Here we will look at the lexical diversity measures included among the plot options (e.g. TTR, MTLD, and vocd-D). If you’re interested in seeing the full code (a lot is omitted here), check out the original notebook. In the next article we’ll use word clouds to describe the different genres.

Note: Dashboard may take a minute to load


  • We will use lexical diversity measures like MTLD and vocd-D to quantify the complexity of heavy metal lyrics.
  • We will compare lexical diversity across songs, bands, and genres.

Table of Contents

  1. Loading and pre-processing data
  2. Lexical diversity measures
    1. MTLD
    2. vocd-D
    3. HD-D
    4. vocd-D or HD-D
  3. Histograms
  4. Ranking songs
  5. Ranking bands
  6. Ranking genres

Loading and pre-processing data

Show code
import re
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter'seaborn')
import seaborn as sns
from nltk.corpus import words as nltk_words
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import hypergeom

import sys
from nlp import tokenize
def get_genres(data):
    columns = [col for col in data.columns if 'genre_' in col]
    genres = [re.sub(r"^genre\_", "", col) for col in columns]
    return genres, columns

def get_bands(data):
    genres, genre_cols = get_genres(data)
    # Combine songs from same band
    band_genres = df.groupby('band_name')['band_genre'].first()
    band_labels = data.groupby('band_name')[genre_cols].max()
    band_lyrics = data.groupby('band_name')['song_darklyrics'].sum()
    bands = pd.concat((band_genres, band_labels, band_lyrics), axis=1) = 'band'
    bands.columns = ['genre'] + genres + ['lyrics']
    bands['words'] = bands['lyrics'].apply(tokenize)
    return bands

def get_songs(data):
    genres, genre_cols = get_genres(data)
    songs = data[['band_name', 'band_genre', 'song_name'] + genre_cols + ['song_darklyrics']].copy()
    songs.columns = ['band', 'genre', 'song'] + genres + ['lyrics']
    songs['words'] = songs['lyrics'].apply(tokenize)
    return songs
df = pd.read_csv('../songs-10pct.csv')
genres, genre_cols = get_genres(df)
df_bands = get_bands(df)
df_songs = get_songs(df)

Lexical diversity measures

One simple approach to quantifying lexical diversity is to divide the number of unique words (types, \(V\)) by the total word count (tokens, \(N\)). This type-token ratio or TTR is heavily biased toward short texts, since longer texts are more likely to repeat tokens without necessarily diminishing complexity. A few ways exist for rescaling the relationship to reduce this bias; for this notebook the root-TTR and log-TTR are used:

\[\begin{split} &LD_{TTR} &= \frac{V}{N} &\hspace{1cm} (\textrm{type-token ratio})\\ &LD_{rootTTR} &= \frac{V}{\sqrt{N}} &\hspace{1cm} (\textrm{root type-token ratio})\\ &LD_{logTTR} &= \frac{\log{V}}{\log{N}} &\hspace{1cm} (\textrm{logarithmic type-token ratio})\\ \end{split}\]


More sophisticated approaches look at how types are distributed in the text. The bluntly named Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (MTLD), described by McCarthy and Jarvis (2010), is based on the mean length of token sequences in the text that exceed a certain TTR threshold. The algorithm begins with a sequence consisting of the first token in the text, and iteratively adds the following token, each time recomputing the TTR of the sequence so far. Once the sequence TTR drops below the pre-determined threshold, the sequence ends and a new sequence begins at the next token. This continues until the end of the text is reached, at which point the mean sequence length is computed. The process is repeated from the last token, going backwards, to produce another mean sequence length. The mean of these two results is the final MTLD figure.

Unlike the simpler methods, MTLD has a tunable parameter. The TTR threshold is chosen by the authors to be 0.720, which is approximately where the cumulative TTR curves for texts in the Project Gutenburg Text Archives reached a point of stabilization. The same can be done with the DarkLyrics data by plotting cumulative TTR values for a large number of bands and identifying the point of stabilization. This cannot be done with single-song lyrics since refrains in the lyrics heavily warp the cumulative TTR curves, such that most never stabilize. Unfortunately even when looking at band lyrics, the cumulative TTR does not stabilize very well, as the curves seem to continue decaying well into the thousands of tokens. However one can roughly identify a point of stabilization somewhere around a TTR of 0.5, occuring at about 200 tokens, so this is used as the threshold for MTLD.

Show code
def TTR(x):
    return len(set(x)) / len(x)

def cumulative_TTR(words):
    out = [TTR(words[: i + 1]) for i in range(len(words))]
    return out

for i in range(0, 1000, 10):
    plt.plot(cumulative_TTR(df_bands.iloc[i].words[:2000]), alpha=0.3)
plt.ylabel('Cumulative TTR')


Show code
def MTLD_forward(words, threshold):
    factor = 0
    segment = []
    i = 0
    while i < len(words):
        segTTR = TTR(segment)
        if segTTR <= threshold:
            segment = []
            factor += 1
        i += 1
    if len(segment) > 0:
        factor += (1.0 - segTTR) / (1.0 - threshold)
    factor = max(1.0, factor)
    mtld = len(words) / factor
    return mtld

def MTLD(words, threshold=0.720):
    if len(words) == 0:
        return 0.0
    forward = MTLD_forward(words, threshold)
    reverse = MTLD_forward(words[::-1], threshold)
    return 0.5 * (forward + reverse)


The vocd-D method devised by Malvern et al. (2004) computes the mean TTR across 100 samples of lengths 35, 36, … 49, 50. A function is fit to the resulting TTR vs. sample size data and the extracted best fit parameter \(D\) is the lexical diversity index. Since this is a sampling-based method, the routine is done three times and the average of the \(D\) values is output. I did not have access to Malvern et al. (2004) but did find the relevant function to fit from a publicly viewable implementation that is cited on a Text Inspector page.

\[f_{vocd}(N_s) = \frac{D}{N_s} \left( \sqrt{1 + 2 \frac{N_s}{D}} - 1 \right) \label{vocd-D}\tag{1}\]

where \(N_s\) is the sample size. The higher the value of \(D\), the more diverse the text.


McCarthy and Jarvis (2007) showed that vocd-D was merely approximating a result that could directly be computed from the hypergeometric distribution. They developed an alternate implementation HD-D that computes the mean TTR for each sample size by summing the contribution of each type in the text to the overall mean TTR. The contribution of a type \(t\) for a given sample size \(N_s\) is equal to the product of that type’s TTR contribution (\(1/N_s\)) and the probability of finding at least one instance of type \(t\) in any sample. This probability is one minus the probability of finding exactly zero instances of \(t\) in any sample, which can be computed by the hypergeometric distribution \(P_t(k_t=0, N, n_t, N_s)\), where \(k_t\) is the number of instances of type \(t\), \(N\) is still the number of tokens in the text, and \(n_t\) is the number of occurences of \(t\) in the full text (the order of arguments here is chosen to match the input of scipy.stats.hypergeom rather than the example in McCarthy and Jarvis (2007)). Thus, in summary, the goal is to compute

\[f_{HD}(N_s) = \frac{1}{N_s} \sum_{t=1}^{V} 1 - P_t(0, N, n_t, N_s) \label{HD-D}\tag{2}\]

and either equate this to the Eq. \ref{vocd-D} above and solve for \(D\):

\[D(N_s) = -\frac{\left[f_{HD}(N_s)\right]^2}{2\left[f_{HD}(N_s)-1\right]}\]

where \(x\) is the output of Eq. \ref{HD-D}. The average across all sample sizes gives the value of \(D\) for the HD-D method. Alternatively one can instead fit Eq. \ref{vocd-D} to the output of Eq. \ref{HD-D} to determine \(D\).

vocd-D or HD-D?

Although vocd-D merely approximates the result of HD-D, the latter is much slower, taking several seconds to produce D for a single artist’s lyrics. The approximate method is still fairly accurate (within <1% away from the HD-D result in the example case) with just three trials, so it is the preferred method used in the rest of the notebook.

Show code
# Example of one vocd-D trial for a single artist

words = df_bands.loc['A Canorous Quintet'].words
num_segs = 100
seglen_range = range(35, 51)
ttrs = np.zeros((len(seglen_range), num_segs))
for i, seglen in enumerate(seglen_range):
    for j in range(num_segs):
        sample = random.sample(words, seglen)
        ttrs[i, j] = TTR(sample)
avg_ttrs_vocdD = ttrs.mean(1)
curve = lambda x, D: (D / x) * (np.sqrt(1 + 2 * (x / D)) - 1)
(D_vocdD,), _ = curve_fit(curve, seglen_range, avg_ttrs_vocdD)

plt.plot(seglen_range, avg_ttrs_vocdD)
plt.plot(seglen_range, curve(seglen_range, D_vocdD))
plt.xlabel('Segment length (tokens)')
plt.ylabel('Mean TTR')


Show code
# vocd-D implementation and example D values

def vocdD_curve(x, D):
    return (D / x) * (np.sqrt(1 + 2 * (x / D)) - 1)

def vocdD(words, num_trials=3, num_segs=100, min_seg=35, max_seg=50):
    if max_seg > len(words):
        return np.nan
    D_trials = []
    seglen_range = range(min_seg, max_seg + 1)
    for _ in range(num_trials):
        ttrs = np.zeros((len(seglen_range), num_segs))
        for i, seglen in enumerate(seglen_range):
            for j in range(num_segs):
                sample = random.sample(words, seglen)
                ttrs[i, j] = TTR(sample)
        avg_ttrs = ttrs.mean(1)
        (D_trial,), _ = curve_fit(vocdD_curve, seglen_range, avg_ttrs)
    return np.mean(D_trials)

print(vocdD(df_bands.loc['A Canorous Quintet'].words))

Show code
# Example of HD-D for a single artist and comparison to vocd-D

N = len(words)
types = {t: words.count(t) for t in set(words)}
seglen_range_HDD = range(35, 51)
avg_ttrs_HDD = np.zeros(len(seglen_range_HDD))
D_HDDs = np.zeros(len(seglen_range_HDD))
for s, N_s in enumerate(seglen_range_HDD):
    avg_ttr = 0
    for t, n_t in types.items():
        P_t = hypergeom(N, n_t, N_s).pmf(0)
        avg_ttr += (1 - P_t) / float(N_s)
    avg_ttrs_HDD[s] = avg_ttr
    D_HDDs[s] = -N_s * avg_ttr ** 2 / (2 * (avg_ttr - 1))
D_HDD1 = D_HDDs.mean()
(D_HDD2,), _ = curve_fit(vocdD_curve, seglen_range, avg_ttrs_HDD)

plt.plot(seglen_range, avg_ttrs_vocdD, 'o', label='vocd-D average TTR')
plt.plot(seglen_range, avg_ttrs_HDD, 'o', label='HD-D average TTR')
plt.plot(seglen_range, vocdD_curve(seglen_range, D_vocdD), label='$$D_{vocd}$$')
plt.plot(seglen_range, vocdD_curve(seglen_range, np.mean([D_HDD1, D_HDD2])), label='$$D_{HD}$$')
plt.xlabel('Segment length (tokens)')
plt.ylabel('Average TTR')


Show code
def get_lexical_diversity(data):
    N = data.words.apply(len)
    V = data.words.apply(lambda x: len(set(x)))
    data['N'] = N
    data['V'] = V
    data['TTR'] = V / N
    data['rootTTR'] = V / np.sqrt(N)
    data['logTTR'] = np.log(V) / np.log(N)
    data['mtld'] = data.words.apply(MTLD, threshold=0.5)
    data['logmtld'] = np.log(data['mtld'])
    data['vocdd'] = data.words.apply(vocdD, num_segs=10)
    return data[data.N > 0]

df_bands = get_lexical_diversity(df_bands)
df_songs = get_lexical_diversity(df_songs)


Show code
def plot_histograms(data):
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(16, 18))
    fig.suptitle("Lexical diversity of heavy metal artists", fontsize=30)
    axes = axes.flatten()

    ax = axes[0]
    logNmin, logNmax = np.log10(data.N.min()), np.log10(data.N.max())
    logbins = np.logspace(logNmin, logNmax, 20)
    data.N.hist(bins=logbins, edgecolor='k', ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Vocabulary sizes")
    ax.set_xlabel("N (tokens)")
    for axis in [ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis]:

    ax = axes[1]
    data.TTR.hist(bins=20, edgecolor='k', ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Type-token ratio")
    ax.set_xlabel("$$\mathrm{LD_{TTR} = V/N}$$")

    ax = axes[2]
    data.rootTTR.hist(bins=20, edgecolor='k', ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Root type-token ratio")
    ax.set_xlabel("$$\mathrm{LD_{rootTTR}} = \sqrt{V/N}$$")

    ax = axes[3]
    data.logTTR.hist(bins=30, edgecolor='k', ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Logarithmic type-token ratio")
    ax.set_xlabel("$$\mathrm{LD_{logTTR}} = \log V / \log N$$")

    ax = axes[4]
    data.logmtld[data.logmtld > -np.inf].hist(bins=30, edgecolor='k', ax=ax)
    ax.set_title("Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity")

    ax = axes[5]
    data.vocdd[~data.vocdd.isnull()].hist(bins=30, edgecolor='k', ax=ax)

    for ax in axes:
        ax.set_ylabel("Artists", rotation=0, labelpad=40)
        ax.grid(axis='y', color='k')

    fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])


Songs ranked by lexical diversity

Several of the highest MTLD scores come from Bal-Sagoth songs. These are inflated as discussed in Part 1: Bal-Sagoth’s lyrics consist of entire chapters of prose that are not actually sung in the songs themselves. The top band, Ásmegin, also has their MTLD inflated, in their case due to the fact that both Norwegian and English lyrics are posted to DarkLyrics for each song. Bilingual lyrics and unsung commentary likewise inflate the lyrics of Cripple Bastards’ songs, and likewise that of Dalriada’s Zách Klára. These exceptions aside, the highest MTLD song is Divina Enema’s avant-garde metal track Gargoyles Ye Rose Aloft.

There’s a pretty big difference between the MTLD and vocd-D charts, with no bands shared in common among the top-ten of each metric. MTLD seems to weigh longer lyrics more heavily, while vocd-D almost seems to be reflecting TTR, but at least not with the bias towards extremely short (\(N<10\)) songs.

The bottom of the chart is mostly populated by very short, usually one-word, songs. Of songs with at least ten words, the honor of least lyrically diverse song goes to none other than the magnificent “Thunderhorse” by Dethklok, which consists of the words “ride”, “thunder”, “horse”, “revenge”, and of course “thunderhorse”, uttered a total of 33 times altogether. At such low word counts, vocd-D often can’t yield a score, hence the missing values.

Highest MTLD

Show code
song_cols = list(df_songs.columns)
song_cols_show = list(df_songs.columns[:song_cols.index('song') + 1]) + list(df_songs.columns[song_cols.index('N'):])

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format

df_songs.sort_values('mtld', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True).shift(1).loc[1:10, song_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre song N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 Ásmegin Viking/Folk Metal Generalen og Troldharen 1029 613 0.60 19.11 0.93 1,029.00 6.94 216.17
2 Bal-Sagoth Symphonic/Epic Black Metal The Obsidian Crown Unbound 2391 993 0.42 20.31 0.89 914.29 6.82 81.36
3 Cripple Bastards Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) Splendore e tenebra 865 472 0.55 16.05 0.91 865.00 6.76 161.77
4 Bal-Sagoth Symphonic/Epic Black Metal Six Score and Ten Oblations to a Malefic Avatar 840 453 0.54 15.63 0.91 840.00 6.73 130.15
5 Cripple Bastards Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) La repulsione negli occhi 835 469 0.56 16.23 0.91 835.00 6.73 206.22
6 Cripple Bastards Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) When Immunities Fall 816 492 0.60 17.22 0.92 816.00 6.70 210.61
7 Dalriada Folk Metal Zách Klára 799 467 0.58 16.52 0.92 799.00 6.68 246.61
8 Divina Enema Avant-garde Metal Gargoyles Ye Rose Aloft 842 419 0.50 14.44 0.90 789.38 6.67 143.85
9 Ulver Black/Folk Metal (early); Ambient/Avant-garde/... Stone Angels 769 418 0.54 15.07 0.91 769.00 6.65 162.67
10 Bal-Sagoth Symphonic/Epic Black Metal Summoning the Guardians of the Astral Gate 759 404 0.53 14.66 0.90 759.00 6.63 87.29

Highest vocd-D

Show code
df_songs.sort_values('vocdd', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True).shift(1).loc[1:10, song_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre song N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 Hail of Bullets Death Metal DAK 54 54 1.00 7.35 1.00 54 3.99 787,177.13
2 Cadaveria Black/Gothic Metal Exercise1 119 119 1.00 10.91 1.00 119 4.78 787,177.13
3 Cenotaph Brutal Death Metal Voluptuously Minced 67 66 0.99 8.06 1.00 67 4.20 2,095.87
4 Yearning Atmospheric Doom Metal Elegy of Blood 56 55 0.98 7.35 1.00 56 4.03 1,576.67
5 Sempiternal Deathreign Death/Doom Metal Devastating Empire Towards Humanity 75 73 0.97 8.43 0.99 75 4.32 1,455.21
6 Incantation Death Metal Invoked Infinity 53 52 0.98 7.14 1.00 53 3.97 1,432.34
7 Houwitser Brutal Death Metal Vile Amputation 53 52 0.98 7.14 1.00 53 3.97 1,379.03
8 Kill the Client Grindcore As Roaches 52 51 0.98 7.07 1.00 52 3.95 1,378.93
9 Incantation Death Metal Ancients Arise 73 71 0.97 8.31 0.99 73 4.29 1,131.15
10 Venom NWOBHM/Black/Speed Metal All There Is Fear 78 75 0.96 8.49 0.99 78 4.36 1,078.96

Lowest MTLD

Show code
df_songs[df_songs.N > 10].sort_values('mtld', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True).shift(1).loc[1:10, song_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre song N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 Dethklok Melodic Death Metal Thunderhorse 33 5 0.15 0.87 0.46 2.95 1.08 <NA>
2 Putrid Pile Brutal Death Metal Toxic Shock Therapy 18 3 0.17 0.71 0.38 3.30 1.19 <NA>
3 Axxis Melodic Heavy/Power Metal Journey to Utopia 15 2 0.13 0.52 0.26 3.75 1.32 <NA>
4 Katatonia Doom/Death Metal (early); Gothic/Alternative/P... Dancing December 12 2 0.17 0.58 0.28 4.00 1.39 <NA>
5 Floodgate Doom/Stoner Metal Feel You Burn 56 2 0.04 0.27 0.17 4.00 1.39 0.05
6 Lost Society Thrash Metal (early); Groove Metal/Metalcore (... Fatal Anoxia 15 2 0.13 0.52 0.26 4.09 1.41 <NA>
7 M.O.D. Thrash Metal/Hardcore/Crossover Bubble Butt 25 5 0.20 1.00 0.50 4.17 1.43 <NA>
8 Dawnbringer Heavy Metal with Black Metal influences Scream and Run 51 3 0.06 0.42 0.28 5.44 1.69 0.12
9 Fleshless Death Metal/Grindcore (early); Melodic/Brutal ... Evil Odium 11 3 0.27 0.90 0.46 5.81 1.76 <NA>
10 Bloodsoaked Brutal Technical Death Metal Devastation Death 12 4 0.33 1.15 0.56 6.00 1.79 <NA>

Lowest vocd-D

Show code
df_songs.sort_values('vocdd', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True).shift(1).loc[1:10, song_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre song N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 Floodgate Doom/Stoner Metal Feel You Burn 56 2 0.04 0.27 0.17 4.00 1.39 0.05
2 Dawnbringer Heavy Metal with Black Metal influences Scream and Run 51 3 0.06 0.42 0.28 5.44 1.69 0.12
3 Type O Negative Gothic/Doom Metal Set Me on Fire 72 7 0.10 0.82 0.46 9.14 2.21 0.70
4 Hanzel und Gretyl Industrial Rock (early); Industrial/Groove Met... Watch TV Do Nothing 54 10 0.19 1.36 0.58 9.90 2.29 1.15
5 Nuit Noire Black Metal (early); Punk/Black Metal (later) I Am a Fairy 150 16 0.11 1.31 0.55 10.14 2.32 1.15
6 Mortiis Darkwave/Dungeon Synth, Electronic/Industrial ... Thieving Bastards 56 9 0.16 1.20 0.55 9.33 2.23 1.23
7 Vendetta Thrash Metal Love Song 55 10 0.18 1.35 0.57 18.52 2.92 1.47
8 Devin Townsend Progressive Metal, Ambient Unity 77 12 0.16 1.37 0.57 8.70 2.16 1.55
9 Hanzel und Gretyl Industrial Rock (early); Industrial/Groove Met... Hallo Berlin 76 10 0.13 1.15 0.53 13.24 2.58 1.55
10 The Great Kat Speed/Thrash Metal, Shred Kill the Mothers 199 22 0.11 1.56 0.58 7.12 1.96 1.55

Bands ranked by lexical diversity

Highest MTLD

Show code
band_cols = list(df_bands.columns)
band_cols_show = ['band', 'genre'] + band_cols[band_cols.index('N'):]
df_bands.sort_values('mtld', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=False).shift(1).loc[1:10, band_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 Hail of Bullets Death Metal 3383 1804 0.53 31.02 0.92 3,383.00 8.13 206.33
2 Demolition Hammer Thrash Metal (early); Groove Metal (later) 2845 1665 0.59 31.22 0.93 2,845.00 7.95 363.40
3 Malignancy Brutal Technical Death Metal 6857 2094 0.31 25.29 0.87 2,504.79 7.83 191.29
4 Abnormality Technical/Brutal Death Metal 2443 1235 0.51 24.99 0.91 2,443.00 7.80 155.92
5 Botanist Experimental Post-Black Metal 2367 1342 0.57 27.58 0.93 2,367.00 7.77 266.92
6 Moonsorrow Folk/Pagan/Black Metal 7973 3177 0.40 35.58 0.90 2,344.84 7.76 249.43
7 Thought Industry Progressive Thrash Metal (early); Alternative ... 2235 1245 0.56 26.33 0.92 2,235.00 7.71 305.54
8 Scrambled Defuncts Brutal Technical Death Metal 2121 1097 0.52 23.82 0.91 2,121.00 7.66 166.62
9 Brutality Death Metal 3535 1663 0.47 27.97 0.91 2,106.26 7.65 192.63
10 Metsatöll Folk Metal 3340 1652 0.49 28.58 0.91 2,044.72 7.62 254.57

Highest vocd-D

Show code
df_bands.sort_values('vocdd', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=False).shift(1).loc[1:10, band_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 Krieg Black Metal 54 51 0.94 6.94 0.99 54.00 3.99 414.42
2 Nortt Black/Funeral Doom Metal 105 94 0.90 9.17 0.98 105.00 4.65 378.53
3 Demolition Hammer Thrash Metal (early); Groove Metal (later) 2845 1665 0.59 31.22 0.93 2,845.00 7.95 363.40
4 Four Question Marks Death Metal, Groove Metal 901 555 0.62 18.49 0.93 901.00 6.80 358.75
5 Virulence Death Metal/Grindcore with Jazz influences 719 518 0.72 19.32 0.95 719.00 6.58 353.99
6 Terravore Thrash Metal 1364 869 0.64 23.53 0.94 1,364.00 7.22 308.57
7 Thought Industry Progressive Thrash Metal (early); Alternative ... 2235 1245 0.56 26.33 0.92 2,235.00 7.71 305.54
8 Dalriada Folk Metal 5458 2215 0.41 29.98 0.90 1,034.99 6.94 297.45
9 Ásmegin Viking/Folk Metal 5626 2276 0.40 30.34 0.90 1,337.58 7.20 271.11
10 Botanist Experimental Post-Black Metal 2367 1342 0.57 27.58 0.93 2,367.00 7.77 266.92

Lowest MTLD

Show code
df_bands.sort_values('mtld', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=False).shift(1).loc[1:10, band_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 God Seed Black Metal 51 22 0.43 3.08 0.79 16.26 2.79 8.88
2 The Great Kat Speed/Thrash Metal, Shred 2233 509 0.23 10.77 0.81 26.85 3.29 75.45
3 Obús Heavy Metal/Hard Rock 395 115 0.29 5.79 0.79 31.73 3.46 17.15
4 Dolorian Black/Doom Metal, Ritual Ambient 1583 397 0.25 9.98 0.81 35.49 3.57 87.97
5 Beyond Black Void Drone/Funeral Doom Metal 43 34 0.79 5.18 0.94 43.00 3.76 <NA>
6 Steak Number Eight Atmospheric Sludge/Post-Metal 712 181 0.25 6.78 0.79 46.31 3.84 56.18
7 Svart Black Metal 47 31 0.66 4.52 0.89 47.00 3.85 <NA>
8 Unida Stoner Metal 1118 247 0.22 7.39 0.78 49.85 3.91 57.99
9 Krieg Black Metal 54 51 0.94 6.94 0.99 54.00 3.99 414.42
10 Nuit Noire Black Metal (early); Punk/Black Metal (later) 963 310 0.32 9.99 0.84 55.39 4.01 52.26

Lowest vocd-D

Show code
df_bands.sort_values('vocdd', ascending=True).reset_index(drop=False).shift(1).loc[1:10, band_cols_show].convert_dtypes()

band genre N V TTR rootTTR logTTR mtld logmtld vocdd
1 God Seed Black Metal 51 22 0.43 3.08 0.79 16.26 2.79 8.88
2 Obús Heavy Metal/Hard Rock 395 115 0.29 5.79 0.79 31.73 3.46 17.15
3 Hämatom Groove Metal 189 64 0.34 4.66 0.79 60.73 4.11 18.19
4 Saratoga Power/Heavy Metal 113 56 0.50 5.27 0.85 88.43 4.48 23.72
5 Mystic Forest Melodic Black Metal 207 88 0.43 6.12 0.84 100.23 4.61 34.62
6 Gris Black Metal 122 59 0.48 5.34 0.85 122.00 4.80 36.22
7 Bucovina Black/Folk Metal 238 103 0.43 6.68 0.85 110.66 4.71 37.48
8 EgoNoir Black Metal 58 40 0.69 5.25 0.91 58.00 4.06 41.01
9 Shadowbreed Death Metal 306 100 0.33 5.72 0.80 100.38 4.61 42.39
10 Krigere Wolf Black/Death Metal 830 345 0.42 11.98 0.87 309.29 5.73 43.43

Genres ranked by lexical diversity

Show code
def plot_violinplots(data, figsize=(16, 18)):

    def violinplot(col, ax):
        violindata = []
        labels = data.columns[1:list(data.columns).index('lyrics')]
        for label in labels:
            values = data[data[label] == 1][col]
            values = values[(values > -np.inf) & (values < np.inf)]
            violindata.append((label, values))
        violindata.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1].median())
        plot_labels, plot_data = zip(*violindata)
        sns.violinplot(data=plot_data, cut=0, orient='h', ax=ax, color='c')

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=figsize)
    fig.suptitle("Lexical diversity of artists by genre", fontsize=30)
    axes = axes.flatten()

    ax = axes[0]
    violinplot('N', ax)
    ax.set_title("Word counts")
    ax.set_xlabel("N (tokens)")

    ax = axes[1]
    violinplot('V', ax)
    ax.set_title("Unique word counts")
    ax.set_xlabel("V (types)")

    ax = axes[2]
    violinplot('TTR', ax)
    ax.set_title("Type-token ratio")

    ax = axes[3]
    violinplot('logTTR', ax)
    ax.set_title("Logarithmic type-token ratio")

    ax = axes[4]
    violinplot('logmtld', ax)
    ax.set_title("Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity")

    ax = axes[5]
    violinplot('vocdd', ax)

    fig.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])
plot_violinplots(df_bands, figsize=(16, 18))
