Explicit/NSFW content warning: this project features examples of heavy metal lyrics and song/album/band names.
These often contain words and themes that some may find offensive/inappropriate.

This article is a part of my heavy metal lyrics project. It provides a top-level overview of the song lyrics dataset. Below is a dashboard I’ve put together (click here for full-size version) to visualize the complete dataset using the metrics discussed here and in the other articles. If you’re interested in seeing the full code (a lot is omitted here), check out the original notebook. In the next article we’ll dive much deeper into evaluating lyrical complexity using various lexical diversity measures.

Note: Dashboard may take a minute to load


Things we’ll do:

  • Clean the data and prepare it for analyses here and elsewhere.
  • Use basic statistics to compare heavy metal lyrics at the song, album, and band levels.
  • Rank songs, albums, and bands by words per song, unique words per song, words per second, and unique words per second.
  • Produce a swarm plot in the style of Matt Daniels’ hip hop lyrics analysis
  • Compare lyrical statistics between different heavy metal genres.


  • Lyrical datasets can be much more varied in structure than typical text datasets! Different lyrical styles make conventional methods of text comparison difficult. Heavy metal lyrics can range from no words at all, to spoken word passages over a thousand words long.
  • Due to the stylistic diversity in the data, small changes in the methods used to quantify vocabulary can lead to noticeably different outcomes.
  • Bands with the highest overall word counts typically belong to the less “extreme” genres like (traditional) heavy metal and power metal. This is due to having long, word-dense songs, often with a focus on narrative, coupled with higher album output.
  • Short pieces by grindcore and death metal bands often provide the highest density of unique words.
  • Word count distributions are correlated with genres in the way you’d expect, but the stylistic diversity in each genre blurs that correlation, suggesting that attempts at lyrics-based genre classification are going to be a challenge.

Table of Contents

  1. Dataset
  2. Cleanup song lyrics
  3. Reduced dataset
  4. Word counts by song
  5. Word counts by album
  6. Word counts by band
  7. Word counts among the most popular bands
  8. Ranking artists by the number of unique words in their first 10,000 words
  9. Word counts by genre


Show code
import re
import sys
from ast import literal_eval
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter
import seaborn as sns
from nltk.corpus import words as nltk_words
from scipy.stats import linregress

from adjustText import adjust_text


from nlp import tokenize


The dataset used here is the table of artist/album/song info and lyrics for every song in the core dataset.

Show code
df = pd.read_csv('../songs.csv', low_memory=False)
df = df[~df.song_darklyrics.isnull()]
df = df[df.song_darklyrics.str.strip().apply(len) > 0]

Cleanup song lyrics

There were some issues when parsing lyrics. They are handled here since it isn’t quite worth it to rescrape all of darklyrics again with a new scraper.

Show code
# Remove songs that are mostly non-English

min_english = 0.6  # A little higher than 50% to include songs with translations, whose lyrics typically include original and translated text

rows = []
song_words = []
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    text = row.song_darklyrics.strip()
    words = tokenize(text)
    english_words = tokenize(text, english_only=True)
    is_english = len(english_words) > min_english * len(words)
    if is_english:
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=df.columns)
df['song_words'] = song_words

Show code
# Remove songs that were copyright claimed

copyrighted = df.song_darklyrics.str.contains('lyrics were removed due to copyright holder\'s request')
df = df[~copyrighted]

Reduced dataset

For lyrical analyses the data is reduced to just a column of lyrics (which will become the feature vector upon some transformation to a quantitative representation) for each song and columns for the most popular genres (the target/label vectors). These are the genres that appear at least once in isolation, i.e. not accompanied by any other genre, and that appear in some minimum percentage of songs. For example, the “black” metal label can appear on bands with or without other genres, but a label like “atmospheric” never appears on its own despite being fairly popular, usually because it is more of an adjective to denote subgenres like atmospheric black metal; thus “black” is included in the reduced label space but “atmospheric” is not. This reduces the genres to a more manageable set: five genres if the minimum occurrence requirement is set to 10%, and thirteen if set to 1%.

A five-genre set would be easier to handle but leaves quite a few holes in the label space, because doom metal, metalcore, folk metal, and many other fairly popular genres are being omitted that may not be covered by any of the five labels. The larger label set covers just about all the most important genres, but because eight of them occur in fewer than 10% of all songs, they will force greater class imbalance which will adversely affect attempts at applying binary classification models later on. For the sake of comparison, both reduced datasets are saved here, but the rest of this exploratory analysis only looks at the 1% dataset, while the 10% dataset is reserved for modeling. Each dataset is saved in its raw form and in a truncated (ML-ready) form containing only the lyrics and genre columns.

Show code
def process_genre(genre):
    # Find words (including hyphenated words) not in parentheses
    out = re.findall('[\w\-]+(?![^(]*\))', genre.lower())
    out = [s for s in out if s != 'metal']
    return out

song_genres = df.band_genre.apply(process_genre)
genres = sorted(set(song_genres.sum()))
genre_cols = {f'genre_{genre}': song_genres.apply(lambda x: int(genre in x)) for genre in genres}
df = df.join(pd.DataFrame(genre_cols))

def get_top_genres(data, min_pct):
    isolated = (data.sum(axis=1) == 1)
    isolated_cols = sorted(set(data[isolated].idxmax(axis=1)))
    top_cols = [col for col in isolated_cols if data[col][isolated].mean() >= min_pct]
    top_genres = [re.sub(r"^genre\_", "", col) for col in top_cols]
    return top_genres

top_genres_1pct = get_top_genres(df[genre_cols.keys()], 0.01)
df_r = df.copy()
drop_cols = [col for col in df.columns if ('genre_' in col) and (re.sub(r"^genre\_", "", col) not in top_genres_1pct)]
df_r.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)

# Only lyrics and genre are relevant for ML later
df_r_ml = pd.DataFrame(index=range(df.shape[0]), columns=['lyrics'] + top_genres_1pct)
df_r_ml['lyrics'] = df['song_darklyrics'].reset_index(drop=True)
df_r_ml[top_genres_1pct] = df[[f"genre_{genre}" for genre in top_genres_1pct]].reset_index(drop=True)

['black', 'death', 'deathcore', 'doom', 'folk', 'gothic', 'grindcore', 'heavy', 'metalcore', 'power',
 'progressive', 'symphonic', 'thrash']
Show code
top_genres_10pct = get_top_genres(df[genre_cols.keys()], 0.1)
df_rr = df.copy()
drop_cols = [col for col in df.columns if ('genre_' in col) and (re.sub(r"^genre\_", "", col) not in top_genres_10pct)]
df_rr.drop(drop_cols, axis=1, inplace=True)

# Only lyrics and genre are relevant for ML later
df_rr_ml = pd.DataFrame(index=range(df.shape[0]), columns=['lyrics'] + top_genres_10pct)
df_rr_ml['lyrics'] = df['song_darklyrics'].reset_index(drop=True)
df_rr_ml[top_genres_10pct] = df[[f"genre_{genre}" for genre in top_genres_10pct]].reset_index(drop=True)

['black', 'death', 'heavy', 'power', 'thrash']

Basic lyrical properties

This section compares looks at word counts and unique word counts, in absolute counts as well as counts per minute, between different songs, albums, bands, and genres. Part 3 dives much deeper into evaluating lyrical complexity using various lexical diversity measures from the literature.

Song lyrics are tokenized using a custom tokenize() function in nlp.py.

Show code
df_r = pd.read_csv('../songs-1pct.csv')
df_r['song_words'] = df_r['song_words'].str.split()
top_genres_1pct = [c for c in df_r.columns if 'genre_' in c]

df_rr = pd.read_csv('../songs-10pct.csv')
df_rr['song_words'] = df_rr['song_words'].str.split()
top_genres_10pct = [c for c in df_rr.columns if 'genre_' in c]

Word counts by song

Show code
def to_seconds(data):
    """Convert a time string (MM:ss or HH:MM:ss) to seconds
    out = pd.Series(index=data.index, dtype=int)
    for i, x in data.items():
        if isinstance(x, str):
            xs = x.split(':')
            if len(xs) < 3:
                xs = [0] + xs
            seconds = int(xs[0]) * 3600 + int(xs[1]) * 60 + int(xs[2])
            seconds = 0
        out[i] = seconds
    return out

def get_words_per_second(data):
    out = pd.DataFrame(index=data.index, dtype=float)
    out['words_per_second'] = (data['word_count'] / data['seconds']).round(2)
    out['words_per_second'][out['words_per_second'] == np.inf] = 0
    out['unique_words_per_second'] = (data['unique_word_count'] / data['seconds']).round(2)
    out['unique_words_per_second'][out['unique_words_per_second'] == np.inf] = 0
    return pd.concat([data, out], axis=1)

df_r_songs = df_r[['band_name', 'album_name', 'song_name', 'band_genre', 'song_words', 'song_length']].copy()
df_r_songs = df_r_songs.rename(columns={'band_name': 'band', 'album_name': 'album', 'song_name': 'song', 'band_genre': 'genre', 'song_words': 'words'})
df_r_songs['seconds'] = to_seconds(df_r_songs['song_length'])
df_r_songs = df_r_songs.drop('song_length', axis=1)
df_r_songs['word_count'] = df_r_songs['words'].apply(len)
df_r_songs['unique_word_count'] = df_r_songs['words'].apply(lambda x: len(set(x)))
df_r_songs = get_words_per_second(df_r_songs)

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6))

df_r_songs['word_count'].hist(bins=np.logspace(1, 3, 30), ax=ax1)
ax1.set_xlabel("word count")
ax1.set_ylabel("number of songs")
ax1.set_title("Words per song")

df_r_songs['unique_word_count'].hist(bins=np.logspace(1, 3, 30), ax=ax2)
ax2.set_xlabel("unique word count")
ax2.set_title("Unique words per song")



Songs with highest word counts

The honor of highest word count in a single song goes to Bal-Sagoth’s “The Obsidian Crown Unbound” at over two thousand words. However, most of those words are not sung in the actual song: Bal-Sagoth lyrics typically include the massive collection of narrative text that accompanies their songs. Although the lyrics they sing are still plentiful, there are nowhere near two thousand words spoken in the six-minute symphonic black metal track.

This makes the forty-minute prog metal epic Crimson by Edge of Sanity a better contender for most verbose song. Still, such a claim might be challenged by the fact that the digital edition of the album, which a listener would find on Spotify for instance, divides the single-track album into eight parts. That said, DarkLyrics keeps the original one-track format.

At third place is another multi-part song, Mirror of Souls by the Christian progressive/power metal group Theocracy. This is less contentious since the official track listing considers this a single track.

band album song genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles The Obsidian Crown Unbound Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 358 2259 897 6.31 2.51
2 Edge of Sanity Crimson Crimson Progressive Death Metal 2400 1948 658 0.81 0.27
3 Theocracy Mirror of Souls Mirror of Souls Epic Progressive Power Metal 1346 1556 457 1.16 0.34
4 Cephalectomy Sign of Chaos Unto the Darkly Shining Abyss Experimental Death Metal/Grindcore 383 1338 391 3.49 1.02
5 Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... To Dethrone the Witch-Queen of Mytos K'unn (Th... Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 405 1306 548 3.22 1.35
6 Seventh Wonder The Great Escape The Great Escape Progressive Metal 1814 1306 504 0.72 0.28
7 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles Unfettering the Hoary Sentinels of Karnak Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 262 1237 560 4.72 2.14
8 Bal-Sagoth Battle Magic Blood Slakes the Sand at the Circus Maximus Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 533 1186 530 2.23 0.99
9 Redemption Redemption Something Wicked This Way Comes Progressive Metal 1466 1114 439 0.76 0.3
10 Cephalectomy Sign of Chaos Gates to the Spheres of Astral Frost Experimental Death Metal/Grindcore 233 1065 339 4.57 1.45

Songs with highest unique word counts

band album song genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles The Obsidian Crown Unbound Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 358 2259 897 6.31 2.51
2 Edge of Sanity Crimson Crimson Progressive Death Metal 2400 1948 658 0.81 0.27
3 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles Unfettering the Hoary Sentinels of Karnak Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 262 1237 560 4.72 2.14
4 Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... To Dethrone the Witch-Queen of Mytos K'unn (Th... Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 405 1306 548 3.22 1.35
5 Bal-Sagoth Battle Magic Blood Slakes the Sand at the Circus Maximus Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 533 1186 530 2.23 0.99
6 Seventh Wonder The Great Escape The Great Escape Progressive Metal 1814 1306 504 0.72 0.28
7 Theocracy Mirror of Souls Mirror of Souls Epic Progressive Power Metal 1346 1556 457 1.16 0.34
8 Redemption Redemption Something Wicked This Way Comes Progressive Metal 1466 1114 439 0.76 0.3
9 Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... The Splendour of a Thousand Swords Gleaming Be... Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 363 977 429 2.69 1.18
10 Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 443 1018 427 2.3 0.96

Songs with highest word density

Unfortunately songs by number of words per seconds or unique words per second yields mostly songs with commentary/not-sung lyrics…

band album song genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Nanowar of Steel Into Gay Pride Ride Karkagnor's Song - In the Forest Heavy/Power Metal/Hard Rock 10 286 159 28.6 15.9
2 Cripple Bastards Your Lies in Check Rending Aphthous Fevers Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 7 81 51 11.57 7.29
3 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive Bomb ABC No Rio Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 63 482 286 7.65 4.54
4 Hortus Animae Waltzing Mephisto A Lifetime Obscurity Progressive Black Metal 57 418 193 7.33 3.39
5 Gore Consumed by Slow Decay Inquisitive Corporeal Recremation Goregrind 16 103 66 6.44 4.12
6 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles The Obsidian Crown Unbound Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 358 2259 897 6.31 2.51
7 Cripple Bastards Variante alla morte Karma del riscatto Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 62 388 197 6.26 3.18
8 Trans-Siberian Orchestra The Christmas Attic The Ghosts of Christmas Eve Orchestral/Progressive Rock/Metal 135 815 311 6.04 2.3
9 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive The Mushroom Diarrhoea Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 47 276 135 5.87 2.87
10 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive When Immunities Fall Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 90 527 260 5.86 2.89

Songs with highest unique word density

band album song genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Nanowar of Steel Into Gay Pride Ride Karkagnor's Song - In the Forest Heavy/Power Metal/Hard Rock 10 286 159 28.6 15.9
2 Cripple Bastards Your Lies in Check Rending Aphthous Fevers Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 7 81 51 11.57 7.29
3 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive Bomb ABC No Rio Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 63 482 286 7.65 4.54
4 Gore Consumed by Slow Decay Inquisitive Corporeal Recremation Goregrind 16 103 66 6.44 4.12
5 Napalm Death Scum You Suffer Hardcore Punk (early); Grindcore/Death Metal (... 1 4 4 4.0 4.0
6 Cripple Bastards Your Lies in Check Intelligence Means... Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 19 93 70 4.89 3.68
7 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive Idiots Think Slower Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 30 154 105 5.13 3.5
8 Wormrot Dirge You Suffer but Why Is It My Problem Grindcore 4 14 14 3.5 3.5
9 Hortus Animae Waltzing Mephisto A Lifetime Obscurity Progressive Black Metal 57 418 193 7.33 3.39
10 Circle of Dead Children Human Harvest White Trash Headache Brutal Death Metal, Grindcore 6 21 20 3.5 3.33

Word counts by album

Grouping song lyrics by album shows Blind Guardian’s 75-minute Twilight Orchestra: Legacy of the Dark Lands coming out on top as the album with the highest word count, even outstripping all of Bal-Sagoth’s albums. Not counting Bal-Sagoth, Cradle of Filth’s Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa has the highest number of unique words. Unfortunately most of the highest-ranking albums by words per second are albums with unsung lyrics as well.

Show code
df_r_albums = pd.concat([
    df_r_songs.groupby(['band', 'album'])['genre'].first(),
    df_r_songs.groupby(['band', 'album'])['words'].sum(),
    df_r_songs.groupby(['band', 'album'])['seconds'].sum(),
], axis=1)
df_r_albums['word_count'] = df_r_albums['words'].apply(len)
df_r_albums['unique_word_count'] = df_r_albums['words'].apply(lambda x: len(set(x)))
df_r_albums = get_words_per_second(df_r_albums)
df_r_albums = df_r_albums.reset_index()

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6))

df_r_albums['word_count'].hist(bins=np.logspace(2, 4, 30), ax=ax1)
ax1.set_xlabel("word count")
ax1.set_ylabel("number of albums")
ax1.set_title("Words per album")

df_r_albums['unique_word_count'].hist(bins=np.logspace(2, 4, 30), ax=ax2)
ax2.set_xlabel("unique word count")
ax2.set_title("Unique words per album")



Albums with highest word counts

band album genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Blind Guardian Twilight Orchestra: Legacy of the Dark Lands Speed Metal (early); Power Metal (later) 8210 8812 1010 1.07 0.12
2 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 3639 6979 2073 1.92 0.57
3 The Gentle Storm The Diary Symphonic/Progressive Metal/Rock 6832 6896 810 1.01 0.12
4 Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 3157 6500 1634 2.06 0.52
5 Cephalectomy Sign of Chaos Experimental Death Metal/Grindcore 2264 6392 958 2.82 0.42
6 Kenn Nardi Dancing with the Past Progressive Metal/Rock 9007 6174 1200 0.69 0.13
7 Mayan Dhyana Symphonic Death Metal 7394 5618 718 0.76 0.1
8 Vulvodynia Cognizant Castigation Deathcore/Brutal Death Metal 4928 5400 854 1.1 0.17
9 Cradle of Filth Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa Death Metal (early); Symphonic Black Metal (mi... 4557 5374 1719 1.18 0.38
10 Savatage The Wake of Magellan Heavy/Power Metal, Progressive Metal/Rock 3218 5264 1033 1.64 0.32

Albums with highest unique word counts

band album genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 3639 6979 2073 1.92 0.57
2 Cradle of Filth Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa Death Metal (early); Symphonic Black Metal (mi... 4557 5374 1719 1.18 0.38
3 Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 3157 6500 1634 2.06 0.52
4 Cradle of Filth Midian Death Metal (early); Symphonic Black Metal (mi... 3217 3821 1474 1.19 0.46
5 Cradle of Filth The Manticore and Other Horrors Death Metal (early); Symphonic Black Metal (mi... 3416 3498 1359 1.02 0.4
6 Lascaille's Shroud The Roads Leading North Progressive Death Metal 7720 4800 1359 0.62 0.18
7 Enfold Darkness Adversary Omnipotent Technical/Melodic Black/Death Metal 3750 4540 1321 1.21 0.35
8 The Agonist Prisoners Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore 3213 3223 1265 1.0 0.39
9 Dying Fetus Wrong One to Fuck With Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore 3239 2731 1264 0.84 0.39
10 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 1213 3368 1260 2.78 1.04

Albums with highest word density

band album genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Cephalectomy Sign of Chaos Experimental Death Metal/Grindcore 2264 6392 958 2.82 0.42
2 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 1213 3368 1260 2.78 1.04
3 Cripple Bastards Misantropo a senso unico Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 1459 3710 1069 2.54 0.73
4 Samsas Traum Heiliges Herz - Das Schwert deiner Sonne Gothic/Avant-garde Black Metal (early); Neocla... 47 99 59 2.11 1.26
5 Bal-Sagoth Starfire Burning upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of... Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 3157 6500 1634 2.06 0.52
6 Fuck the Facts Mullet Fever Grindcore 41 84 60 2.05 1.46
7 Melvins Prick Sludge Metal, Various 257 504 193 1.96 0.75
8 Bal-Sagoth The Chthonic Chronicles Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 3639 6979 2073 1.92 0.57
9 Municipal Waste Waste 'Em All Thrash Metal/Crossover 848 1615 630 1.9 0.74
10 Cripple Bastards Variante alla morte Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 1699 3211 1019 1.89 0.6

Albums with highest unique word density

band album genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Fuck the Facts Mullet Fever Grindcore 41 84 60 2.05 1.46
2 Samsas Traum Heiliges Herz - Das Schwert deiner Sonne Gothic/Avant-garde Black Metal (early); Neocla... 47 99 59 2.11 1.26
3 Cripple Bastards Desperately Insensitive Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 1213 3368 1260 2.78 1.04
4 Suicidal Tendencies Controlled by Hatred / Feel like Shit... Deja Vu Thrash Metal/Crossover, Hardcore Punk 196 364 162 1.86 0.83
5 Haggard Tales of Ithiria Progressive Death Metal (early); Classical/Orc... 240 299 195 1.25 0.81
6 Gridlink Orphan Technical Grindcore 728 1249 565 1.72 0.78
7 Frightmare Midnight Murder Mania Death/Thrash Metal/Grindcore 276 349 208 1.26 0.75
8 Melvins Prick Sludge Metal, Various 257 504 193 1.96 0.75
9 Municipal Waste Waste 'Em All Thrash Metal/Crossover 848 1615 630 1.9 0.74
10 Gridlink Amber Gray Technical Grindcore 710 967 522 1.36 0.74

Word counts by band

Surprisingly, Bal-Sagoth’s inflated lyric counts do not matter much when comparing entire bands, perhaps due to how short their discography is. The bands with the highest word counts typically have massive discographies, and are usually power metal or heavy metal bands. Saxon rank highest in raw word counts, with nearly over 39,000 words spanning nearly sixteen hours of music, while Cradle of Filth throughout their eleven-hour-long discography have used the greatest number of unique words. Death metal bands make up the majority of the top-ten bands by unique word count.

Show code
df_r_bands = pd.concat([
], axis=1)
df_r_bands['word_count'] = df_r_bands['words'].apply(len)
df_r_bands['unique_word_count'] = df_r_bands['words'].apply(lambda x: len(set(x)))
df_r_bands = get_words_per_second(df_r_bands)
df_r_bands = df_r_bands.reset_index()

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(16, 6))

df_r_bands['word_count'].hist(bins=np.logspace(2, 4, 30), ax=ax1)
ax1.set_xlabel("word count")
ax1.set_ylabel("number of bands")
ax1.set_title("Words per band")

df_r_bands['unique_word_count'].hist(bins=np.logspace(2, 4, 30), ax=ax2)
ax2.set_xlabel("unique word count")
ax2.set_title("Unique words per band")



Bands with highest word counts

band genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Saxon NWOBHM, Heavy Metal 56651 39019 2732 0.69 0.05
2 Iron Maiden Heavy Metal, NWOBHM 58093 38525 3377 0.66 0.06
3 Cradle of Filth Death Metal (early); Symphonic Black Metal (mi... 39655 37932 6054 0.96 0.15
4 Rage Heavy/Speed/Power Metal 58844 36476 2959 0.62 0.05
5 Blind Guardian Speed Metal (early); Power Metal (later) 38090 34834 2415 0.91 0.06
6 Overkill Thrash Metal, Thrash/Groove Metal 47662 33728 3173 0.71 0.07
7 Cannibal Corpse Death Metal 34966 32700 4567 0.94 0.13
8 Helloween Power/Speed Metal 46600 31223 2699 0.67 0.06
9 Judas Priest Heavy Metal 52478 31097 3551 0.59 0.07
10 Accept Heavy Metal 40939 29029 2655 0.71 0.06

Bands with highest unique word counts

band genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Cradle of Filth Death Metal (early); Symphonic Black Metal (mi... 39655 37932 6054 0.96 0.15
2 Napalm Death Hardcore Punk (early); Grindcore/Death Metal (... 36761 22260 5081 0.61 0.14
3 Cannibal Corpse Death Metal 34966 32700 4567 0.94 0.13
4 Skyclad Folk Metal 25903 26651 4179 1.03 0.16
5 The Black Dahlia Murder Melodic Death Metal 19546 21928 4132 1.12 0.21
6 Dying Fetus Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore 16783 15110 3930 0.9 0.23
7 Elephant Epic Heavy Metal 19168 13893 3865 0.72 0.2
8 Sodom Black/Speed Metal (early); Thrash Metal (later) 35072 26202 3824 0.75 0.11
9 Bal-Sagoth Symphonic/Epic Black Metal 16021 21458 3730 1.34 0.23
10 Cattle Decapitation Progressive Death Metal/Grindcore 17320 14363 3624 0.83 0.21

Bands with highest word density

band genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Cephalectomy Experimental Death Metal/Grindcore 4081 9410 1415 2.31 0.35
2 Cripple Bastards Noisecore (early); Grindcore (later) 8256 16210 3538 1.96 0.43
3 Archagathus Grindcore (early); Goregrind (later) 1149 2113 792 1.84 0.69
4 Gridlink Technical Grindcore 1438 2216 943 1.54 0.66
5 Crumbsuckers Thrash Metal/Crossover 1368 2066 516 1.51 0.38
6 Archspire Technical Death Metal 7084 10633 2344 1.5 0.33
7 Embalmer Death Metal 266 392 145 1.47 0.55
8 Municipal Waste Thrash Metal/Crossover 7479 10587 2167 1.42 0.29
9 Varg Melodic Death/Black Metal/Metalcore 467 645 205 1.38 0.44
10 Blood Freak Death Metal/Grindcore 4447 6123 1778 1.38 0.4

Bands with highest unique word density

band genre seconds word_count unique_word_count words_per_second unique_words_per_second
1 Archagathus Grindcore (early); Goregrind (later) 1149 2113 792 1.84 0.69
2 Gridlink Technical Grindcore 1438 2216 943 1.54 0.66
3 Samsas Traum Gothic/Avant-garde Black Metal (early); Neocla... 307 394 200 1.28 0.65
4 Embalmer Death Metal 266 392 145 1.47 0.55
5 Acrania Brutal Deathcore 1674 2282 902 1.36 0.54
6 Revenance Brutal Death Metal 218 241 115 1.11 0.53
7 Illusion Force Power Metal 306 386 161 1.26 0.53
8 Hiroshima Will Burn Technical Deathcore 691 737 360 1.07 0.52
9 The County Medical Examiners Goregrind 1794 1662 932 0.93 0.52
10 Decrypt Technical Death Metal/Grindcore 1775 2208 911 1.24 0.51

To pick out the most popular bands, we can filter out artists with fewer than a certain number of reviews. Plotting out their full-discography unique word counts, we find that there is a generally linear relationship between the number of unique words and overall discography length, which is not surprising. Cradle of Filth sits farthest from the trend line, with about twice as many words and unique words in their lyrics than expected. Opeth seems like an outlier on the flip side, probably due their songs being very heavily instrumental (Dream Theater probably incorporates more instrumentals but the narrative nature of their lyrics results in them falling much more in line with heavy/power metal bands).

Show code
min_reviews = 20

bands_popular = sorted(set(df_r[df_r['album_review_num'] > min_reviews].band_name))
df_r_bands_popular = df_r_bands[df_r_bands.band.isin(bands_popular)].set_index('band', drop=True)

plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
xlist, ylist = [], []
for band, row in df_r_bands_popular.iterrows():
    x = row['seconds'] / 3600.0
    y = row['word_count'] / 1000.0
    plt.plot(x, y, 'r.')

res = linregress(df_r_bands.seconds / 3600.0, df_r_bands.word_count / 1000.0)
xline = np.linspace(0, df_r_bands_popular.seconds.max() / 3600.0)
yline = xline * res.slope + res.intercept
plt.plot(xline, yline, label='full dataset linear fit')

texts = []
for x, y, band in zip(xlist, ylist, df_r_bands_popular.index):
    texts.append(plt.text(x, y, band, fontsize=12))

plt.xlabel('Discography length (hours)')
plt.ylabel('Total word count (thousands)')


Show code
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
xlist, ylist = [], []
for band, row in df_r_bands_popular.iterrows():
    x = row['seconds'] / 3600.0
    y = row['unique_word_count'] / 1000.0
    plt.plot(x, y, 'r.')

res = linregress(df_r_bands.seconds / 3600.0, df_r_bands.unique_word_count / 1000.0)
xline = np.linspace(0, df_r_bands_popular.seconds.max() / 3600.0)
yline = xline * res.slope + res.intercept
plt.plot(xline, yline, label='full dataset linear fit')

texts = []
for x, y, band in zip(xlist, ylist, df_r_bands_popular.index):
    texts.append(plt.text(x, y, band, fontsize=12))

plt.xlabel('Discography length (hours)')
plt.ylabel('Unique word count (thousands)')


Ranking artists by the number of unique words in their first 2,500 words

A few years ago, Matt Daniels of The Pudding wrote up an article comparing the number of unique words used by several famous rappers in their first 35,000 words. A similar comparison can be done with the metal lyrics here, although since heavy metal tends to have more instrumentals and metal musicians don’t put out as many songs as rappers do, I chose to look at each artist’s last 2,500 words, since the median word count per band is just above that number, and looking at the most recent lyrics will better represent the current style of each artist. For clarity only the top 100 bands by number of album reviews are shown here but the full plot in the interactive version shows the top 350. Interestingly, there’s a gap between the cluster of highest unique words and the main field of artists. Every band in the outlier cluster is associated with Death or Black Metal, hinting at a potential correlation in genre. On the dashboard you can filter by genres to see where on the swarm plot those bands lie.

Show code
"""Copied from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55005272/get-bounding-boxes-of-individual-elements-of-a-pathcollection-from-plt-scatter

from matplotlib.path import get_path_collection_extents

def getbb(sc, ax):
    """ Function to return a list of bounding boxes in data coordinates
        for a scatter plot """
    ax.figure.canvas.draw() # need to draw before the transforms are set.
    transform = sc.get_transform()
    transOffset = sc.get_offset_transform()
    offsets = sc._offsets
    paths = sc.get_paths()
    transforms = sc.get_transforms()

    if not transform.is_affine:
        paths = [transform.transform_path_non_affine(p) for p in paths]
        transform = transform.get_affine()
    if not transOffset.is_affine:
        offsets = transOffset.transform_non_affine(offsets)
        transOffset = transOffset.get_affine()

    if isinstance(offsets, np.ma.MaskedArray):
        offsets = offsets.filled(np.nan)

    bboxes = []

    if len(paths) and len(offsets):
        if len(paths) < len(offsets):
            # for usual scatters you have one path, but several offsets
            paths = [paths[0]]*len(offsets)
        if len(transforms) < len(offsets):
            # often you may have a single scatter size, but several offsets
            transforms = [transforms[0]]*len(offsets)

        for p, o, t in zip(paths, offsets, transforms):
            result = get_path_collection_extents(
                transform.frozen(), [p], [t],
                [o], transOffset.frozen())

    return bboxes

def plot_swarm(data, names):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(25, 12), facecolor='black')
    ax = sns.swarmplot(x=data, size=50, zorder=1)

    # Get bounding boxes of scatter points
    cs = ax.collections[0]
    boxes = getbb(cs, ax)

    # Add text to circles
    for i, box in enumerate(boxes):
        x = box.x0 + box.width / 2
        y = box.y0 + box.height / 2
        s = names.iloc[i].replace(' ', '\n')
        txt = ax.text(x, y, s, color='white', va='center', ha='center')

        # Shrink font size until text fits completely in circle
        for fs in range(10, 1, -1):
            tbox = txt.get_window_extent().transformed(ax.transData.inverted())
            if (
                    abs(tbox.width) < np.cos(0.5) * abs(box.width)
                    and abs(tbox.height) < np.cos(0.5) * abs(box.height)

    ax.tick_params(axis='both', colors='white')

    return fig

band_words = pd.concat(
        df_r.groupby(['band_id', 'album_name'])['album_review_num'].first().groupby('band_id').sum(),
band_words.columns = ['name', 'reviews', 'words']

Show code
num_bands = 100
num_words = 2500

band_filt_words = band_words[band_words['words'].apply(len) >= num_words].sort_values('reviews')[-num_bands:]
band_filt_words['unique_last_words'] = band_filt_words['words'].apply(lambda x: len(set(x[-num_words:])))
band_filt_words = band_filt_words.sort_values('unique_last_words')

fig = plot_swarm(band_filt_words['unique_last_words'], band_filt_words['name'])
fig.suptitle(f"# of unique words in last {num_words:,.0f} of artist's lyrics", color='white', fontsize=25)


Word counts by genre

Although there are some noticeable trends in the word counts of genres, overall the distributions of word counts and song lengths per genre are quite broad. The overlap means lyrical complexity is likely not a sufficient means of distinguishing between genres. In the next article we’ll expand on this, using more sophisticated lexical diversity measures to quantify the complexity of different genres.

Show code
df_genre_songs = df_r[['band_name', 'album_name', 'song_name'] + top_genres_1pct].copy()
df_genre_songs['word_count'] = df_r_songs.word_count
df_genre_songs['seconds'] = df_r_songs.seconds

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8))
violindata = []
for genre in top_genres_1pct:
    df_genre = df_genre_songs[df_genre_songs[genre] == 1]
    violindata.append((genre, df_genre['word_count'].values))
violindata.sort(key=lambda x: -np.median(x[1]))
sns.boxplot(data=[x[1] for x in violindata], orient='h', showfliers=False)
ax.set_yticklabels([x[0] for x in violindata])
# ax.set_xlim(0, 500)
ax.set_title("Words per song")
ax.set_xlabel("word count")


Show code
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8))
xlist, ylist = [], []
for genre in top_genres_1pct:
    df_genre = df_genre_songs[df_genre_songs[genre] == 1].copy()
    x = df_genre['seconds'].mean() / 60.0
    y = df_genre['word_count'].mean()
    plt.plot(x, y, 'r.', ms=10, label=genre)
texts = []
for x, y, genre in zip(xlist, ylist, top_genres_1pct):
    texts.append(plt.text(x, y , genre, fontsize=12))
plt.xlabel('Average song length (minutes)')
plt.ylabel('Average words per song')
